For Those of You Who Still Care!

Well, long time no blogging! I really thought I would be able to keep up with all of this. I have more fun on Facebook, because it is fast, short and sweet. It has just been too hard to keep up. I was so excited that this past August all 4 kids would be in school and I would have so much time to myself. I find myself doing everything else on my days off instead of this. I have much needed errands to run, and just plain ole catching up when I have a break. On the other hand I am helping out at church a lot when I am not doing my job at the church. I am filling in for others in our ministry that need some help! All that to say, there's just not enough time in the day! I would like to say I would commit to update this regularly but find myself doing other things.
So, while I was doing this lengthly challenge of "25 Random Things" for my friends on Facebook. I finally gave in to the 4th or 5th person that tagged me. It took too long and decided it was worthy of a blog post. Saves me from creating something twice. We are all good and we are going on a family outing with a picnic at the park. We are enjoying this beautifu weather. So see ya later and enjoy ready!

25 Random Things

1. I love to shop on ebay. I love the great deals I find. The twins probably wouldn't have many clothes if it weren't for ebay.
2. I wish I had more time to devote to my scrapbooking. The older I get the more I forget, so it would be nice to have something to look back at.
3. I love Jesus more than anything in the world. He is my rock solid foundation. What would I do without Him? He carries me and gives me the peace I need in my daily life. Thank You!
4. Secondly, I love my husband more than anyone on earth. He is my best friend. I often think, how was I so lucky to have gotten him! GOD, of course. I was also braver in my younger days! Ask him how we first met. I chased the boy down!
5. Thirdly, comes my children! What would I do without them and the chaos that comes with it. I also say, if the twins came first, we would have stopped right there! I was never the little girl that dreamed of twins. I always thought "that would be too much work." Good thing God had other plans, our lives would be so boring without them. A little side note to this story is before we were married James had a dream/vision from God. He told him we would have twins. Two boys and a girl. We always interpreted the boys would be the twins and when we had Daniel first and he wasn't a twin, we dismissed the dream. Then we had Justin and still dismissed the dream. I thought we were finished having kids when - surprise, I was not only pregnant, but having twins. I cried for days! I wasn't even supposed to be pregnant. How was that possible. I was looking at a hysterectomy because of the female problems I was having - what??? God has such a sense of humor. I can now see the humor, but I sure did not at first! The dream interpreted would be the fact that I had 3 pregancies, 2 single birth with the boys and then the multiple birth of the girls.
6. I love to have lazy days. Most days are so busy and crazy, that I love the days when I am off of work and don't have anything to do. I would stay in bed with my pjs on all day!
7. There are some things you just don't want to know about me, nor would I tell you!
8. 25 things are hard for me to come up with. Yuck! I am doing this for the love of my friends and for those of you who keep sending me these kind of things.
9. I just finished doing our income taxes. I love doing it, because we get money back. Praise the Lord. It doesn't hurt so bad during the year to take more out than you are supposed to so you get a nice return. Need it!
10. I love going to the Beth Moore Bible study, the Inheritance, even though I usually don't like to do women/girly things. I am so not girly that it's a little overwhelming being with so many women. Ouch! I am loving it, and so need to hear where my inheritance truly lies. AMEN and AMEN!
11. I wish I could go back in time and be more laid back and relaxed like I used to be. I think I was nicer at some point. Yet, I have matured in so many other ways. So, it's a toss up. There's a say "never look back."
12. I am thankful for the friends God has placed in my life at just the right time. I love my old/young, loyal friends that I pick up where we left off as if we never were apart. I love my new friends and what they bring in my life. Some feel like we have been friends forever! LOL! Love ya'll!
13. I love getting gifts, notes, compliments. I am one of those people that love them and need them. When someone compliments me on something especially clothes, I were it as often as I can get away with it. I grew up in a no compliments house and can't believe I came out as normal as I did. LOL - love ya family!
14. I love giving gifts as well. I love getting little things and surprising people. I love seeing it brighten up there day or putting a much needed smile on their face.
15. My husband and I would love to be missionaries one day. We love Guatemala and may end up there one day or God may just have us be visiting missionaries. Who knows! Pray for us to have clear direction. One of my greatest fears I have is leaving this country is having to home school my kids. I just so don't see me doing that, but if that's what needs to happen then I am willing. God knows I will.
16. I get cabin fever! I hate sitting still for long. I don't like being at home for long periods. After having the twins by c-section and having a hysterectomy and being down for so long. Hated it! I only hate it when you have to be down any other time, I am really wanting a nap!
17. I am so spoiled by having a husband that gives the most awesome massages ever! I am thankful I don't have to pay anyone to do it. Besides, anyone that knows me knows I have touching boundaries. I have my family to thank for that - so not touchy, feely people. I get it honest.
18. I turned 40 this year and don't feel it. Thank you Jesus. I guess having children later in life, makes me feel younger. I don't have time to feel old.
19. Following up with #18, James and I waited for 6 years after getting married before having children. Anyone that knows me thought that was so weird! I love children. I was always the babysitter of my neighbors and then my friends who had children before we did. I recommend it to anyone. It's not for everyone, but was great to have "our" time before we had children. So worth the wait. Although, I will be 90 years old when my kids graduate college, but hey what can I say. Just Kidding, kinda.
20. I am thinking that this is taking way to long to be creative. I am runnig out of ideas. I love stealing other peoples creative ideas. I am just not creative myself.
21. I love reading these things about other people, it is so interesting. I think I am boring, which by the way, is a sin according to Paris the Heiress. I am trying not to be so boring.
22. I was born in Grand Prairie, TX. I have lived in Duncanville, Arlington, Stephenville, and Houston. All in the big state of Texas! Yee haw!
23. I have loved being on Facebook. It has let me reconnect with some friends and keep up with some friends. It has been a blessing.
24. Speaking of blessing! Each year I pray for a word to focus on for the year. It is usually an area I need to grow in spiritaully. My word from God this year is blessing. Blessing means for me to be a blessing to others and receive blessings from others. Blessing definition: a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness. Blessing Scripture: I will make them and the places all around My hill a blessing; and I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26L
ast year's word was JOY! My own acronym I came up with is Jesus Only You! I wanted and needed more Joy - Jesus and joy! Now I have all kinds of "Joy" words, pictures, etc around the house and love it! Joy definition: the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation Joy scripture: Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.
25. Glory to God for #25! I hope you have enjoyed learning a little bit about me. After I am finished I will probably think of all other kinds of things to share, but for now here ya go! See ya!

Week in review

Monday, the kids and I stayed home all day.
Tuesday came along and we had cabin fever having the day off from work. We decided to take a road trip to Brenham. When we take a road trip to Brenham it usually means drop off point for the girls (Ashley and Chelsea) to go to Papa's and Mama's. I don't know who likes it more - me, my parents or the girls. For those who know me well, know the girls go to my parents house a lot! They love going there. They beg and so do my parents. I also get a great benefit of a break when they go. You see the girls are starting school this August. My parents have been saying all year you have to let them come because when they start school, they aren't going to be able to come. They (my parents) are going through withdrawals already. They are trying to get them as much as possible before they start school.
Wednesday the boys and I started off by going to our chiropractor/friend to get our adjustments. OOOHHHH they feel so good. Then off to work for my usual Wednesday night.
Thursday was terrible. Went to work and knew that two employee teacher's last day was today and then am told by another teacher that she has a new full time job and today was her last day. Bummer! Why do all the good ones leave? I could talk about this all day, but don't want to. I have a school teacher, a teacher's aide, 3 college students, 2 high school students working for me this summer and all of them are leaving. Yikes! So, I am heavy in prayer about new teachers. If you think about, please pray. I need teachers, and I need them now!
Friday was better. With Thursday hanging over my head and what I am going to do, it didn't start out to well, but decided God is in charge! Can't get to stressed over it. I went to my friend, Brandy's, house and ate lunch and enjoyed some good company. I left my little/big boy Justin there to spend the night with his best friend, Michael. He is spending the weekend with him. I'll meet them at church on Sunday morning. Daniel joined the Student Ministry in Rushapalooza. It began at 8:00 p.m. and lasted until 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. James and I had a date night with our friend, Paula! Woo hoo! It's been a long time since we have gone out without any children. And yes, we enjoyed Paula - we invited her to come! We went and ate Japanese food. So delicious!
Saturday! Our phone rang at 3:07 a.m. and I immediately jumped out of the bed. Knowing Daniel was out all night, I thought something happened. I knew the number must be a wrong number, but it then took me a long time to fall back asleep. But I was able to sleep in and James went and picked up Daniel. He has basically been asleep all day. James is hanging with his buddy, David. They are doing manly things having to do with guns. Me, I have enjoyed doing nothing today.
Sunday - day of worship! We have registration for MCC and I am directing my 2 year old department. Then I am sure I will enjoy a Sunday afternoon nap!
Until next time! Ya'll have a great week!

Keith Family Update

The Keith family is already praising God for great results. Their child that moved out was calling the very evening they left. They spoke the next day and their child is very apologetic and doesn't want to hurt their daddy like that again. It is such a blessing that resolution is already taking place. They are planning a move back home soon. Keep praying and thank you to all who were praying! All parents of teenagers need our prayers. Amen and amen!

Prayer for the Keith Family

The Keith family is my sister, Melinda and her husband. Without going through all the details, pray for them. They have had some rough months with their kids lately. Today, one of their kids moved out, because of being confronted about some things that needed to be confronted with. Pray for God's peace to come over them and reassurance that they are making the right, godly choices as parents. They are godly parents and seek Him for counsel. I know one day we will rejoice with them in who their kids turn out to be.
JOY - Jesus Only You!

The Key to Knowing Yourself

I am so not creative, but I love when I come across something that says exactly what I need or what I am thinking. I picked up one of my many devotionals and began to read it. I don't know if you are like me but I am kind of a devotional jumper. I go through devotionals that I love and have returned to them years later. Then, I have some I constantly look over and over. Then I have the one that our pastor suggests, which is always on target. That's always in additon to mine. The one I am going to quote below from today's devotional is Keeping God in the Small Stuff, by Bruce and Stan. I picked this one back up and read it today and it spoke to me so perfectly.
We have had a few, or for better words, a stream of people leaving our church as employees to go elsewhere or to stay home. When this happens I think I want to jump on the same boat. Church work is so hard! Don't get me wrong, I think God is calling people to other places. I'm not saying they shouldn't be leaving. For those of you who do church work, understand. For those of you who don't may never know what it's like to work for a church/ministry. One time my husband told me what a boss of his, at the time, told him about church work. I don't think I will ever forget it. He said, "we (church employees) do nothing all day except sit around and listen to christian radio all day." WOW! This was said as if we did nothing! What an understatment! Ministry work is so hard, yet such a reward and joy. There are times/phases when I am at my end - total burnout. Feeling so underappreciated, so overworked, and so underpaid. When you are called to ministry work, it's not for money! It has to be a definate calling.
One thing I think is I'll quit and have so much time for me and my family. Then I think, why? I love what I do. I love ministering to moms and preschoolers. Then I think I have served so long, that it is time for me. Yet, God convicts me about quitting. Then I think is it me being comfortable, not necessarily God. God wants us to be uncomfortable! Get out of our comfort zone. I'll have time to myself. What would I do? Get to know myself. We all have our own journey and this one is mine!
Here is today's devotional:
The Key to Knowing Yourself
If you want to know yourself better, get to know your Creator better.
It seems like everybody is trying to get to know themselves better, and there are plenty of people ready to tell you how to "tap the power within" or get acquainted with "your inner child."
While there is value to knowing what you can do to improve your life, we would suggest that you spend more time focused on God than on yourself. Studying and learning about you shouldn't be that big a deal. After all, you're with yourself twenty-four hours a day. But God is differnt (and aren't we glad). Studying and learning about Him takes a lifetime, and even then you barely scratch the surface.
Besides, getting to know God better inevitably leads to knowing yourself better. God created you in His own image. His imprint is on your life. As you get closer to God, you will get closer to the real you.
We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your lives, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Colossians 1:9

Greer Happenings

Well, it has been a long time since I have written anything!
Since we went to Guatemala, we have had so many different things happening! Good and bad! We dealt with such spiritual warefare after returning. Wow! We must be doing what God wants that Satan wants to destroy it.
What perfect timing at church that we would be reading Streams in the Desert as our devotional, Red Sea Rules, and our pastor's sermons. All of it is in sync with what our and other families have and are going through. As I type this, I think and know that our problems are nothing compared to what others may be going through. We can get so down on what we are going through and then we see or hear about what others are dealing with and our problems seem so small.
As I read our devotional this morning, I was moved! I loved this paragraph:
"Dare to trust Him! Dare to follow Him! Then discover that the forces that blocked your progress and threatened your life become at His command the very materials He uses to build your street of freedom." F. B. Meyer
I said aloud, "March On!"
Obstacles seem to get in our way. We can either see it as God closing the door or our timing isn't His timing.
Now for some good! My husband turned 40 on the 14th and we celebrated his 40th birthday this past Saturday! It was so much fun! Some of his closest friends came and his sister and 2 kids and his dad came! We enjoyed hours of conversation and fun! Then, on Sunday, James was ordained as a deacon of our church. It was such an honor and privilege to be nominated and then approved. The service was so sweet and meaningful. So many people came up and congratulated us. People we knew and didn't know. Wow!

We're leavin in the mornin!

Greers in Guatemala

God is doing some great and mighty things in our church. Our church is having 4 simultaneous mission trips during Spring Break. We are joining him in moving His people to a greater and deeper love for Him.
This Spring Break, March 15 – 22, we are going to Guatemala. This will be James’ third consecutive trip. He has a love and passion for the people there. This year, James will be leading the Rookie Trip for our church. Rookie, meaning this trip is geared for those who have not gone on a mission trip before. This is how it all began for James. When he went for the first time three years ago, it changed his life forever. There are some others on our team who have been Guatemala, as well. They have the same love for the people as he does. I can see us serving together one day in Guatemala.
For the first time, I will have the privilege to join the group, as well as Daniel. I knew God was calling me to go and we both felt that Daniel could go, but should he? We weren’t sure. Daniel wanted to go from the beginning. We told Daniel to wait and see what the Student Ministry was doing and then we would make a decision. James went with Daniel to the Student Ministry mission meeting and Daniel did not like it. He didn’t like that his age group was only going to do one day missions. He truly has a servant’s heart and that just wasn’t going to be enough for him. God gave us confirmation through prayer and finances being provided that he was to go.
God has opened many doors and has provided the way for us to go. He has provided:

· Care for our 3 children who are remaining here. My mom and dad are going to watch them for us while we are gone. What an answer to prayer! They are going to love it!
· Financially. All of our way is paid in full and then some! It’s so like God to go above and beyond what we are asking. An anonymous donor gave a large donation to pay for our way and the left over money ($6500) to help in feeding and clothing the children. We then received another donation and it is helping pay 2 other team members way. What an awesome God we serve!
· Passports for me and Daniel. We were so scared we may not get them after hearing the horror stories. Daniel and I went to the downtown post office. We got there early, due to I thought it opened at 8:00 a.m. I thought we were getting there 20 minutes late; instead we were 40 minutes early. Even God can use my ignorance to His advantage. I would have sworn it said 9:00 a.m. on the website. I haven't checked to make sure, but it's ok. We went on Wednesday, January 30th and got them in the mail on Friday, February 8th, 9 days later. Wow!

These are all things God has taken care of for us! He did all the work, not us. Now, we are asking all of our friends and family to be in prayer for us while we are away. Below are some specific prayer requests you can join us in praying for:

* Safe travel there, back and while we are there. The roads are scary there!
* Health.
* Prepare the hearts of the people and children of Guatemala to be open to God. May lives of each and every person we come in contact with be forever changed, not because of us, but because of Jesus.
* Joyful heart and serving spirit to anyone and everyone we meet.
* Unity among our team. May God be the one leading us, not ourselves.
* May we handle change with grace.
* Prepare our hearts to minister and to be ministered to.

These are a few requests. Please pray, however God leads you to pray for us! May God have all the glory!

Serving Him,

James, Sheri and Daniel Greer